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The damage's done


If, if… and if…
Fuck you !
Here I am with no name
As if I never was born !
All you want is my body
Why shouldn’t you care of a dead one ?
After all and between us, I’d rather be blind
Cause when I see you inside through
You may have some disagree, wouldn’t you ?

How could I believe in man
When I know what moves him ?
How could you say you’re peaceful
When you don’t know the killer in you ?
It seems like we only have one life
But I ain’t talking about this one
Follow me throughout space and time
When we first met, remember who you were…

Ancient spirit, coming up from the sky
Never say I was from this world
There’s nothing I care except inner light
Like an old man walking in the shadows of the night
Earth is a nice place to be for the stronger
Those who think themselves immortal , with no mental-end.


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